Sunday 17 March 2013



Been a while since i haven't posted anything on here. A lot, nah I wouldn't say a lot, let say few things have been going on lately and thought I should share it with y'all.

First thing first. SUMMER IS HERE!! Yup, may not be the case for most of you but here in New Delhi, we are already bathing in sunlight and high temperatures every day! And let me tell you one thing, this summer started pretty hot. Wonder what it is going to be in its peek around June -July. But hey, no one can complain with not having to wear 5 layers of clothes just to go to the grocery store. 

It couldn't have been better, been in this cold winter for way too long and it was about time we get some heat. The season change also came with its pack of new routines. You know the usual light clothing, sports, ice creams (yeah i love ice creams) and stuffs like that. And that brings me to the second part, which is sports. Winter got me all lazy for real, haven't played  football as much, and lost all my toned muscles sadly. So now that summer is back, am slowly resuming my work out routine, you know just to get buffed and hopefully fit in my tees, cause I really shrinked a lot during the winter. Starting the routine pretty slow, with 2 sets of 20 push ups just after waking up, gets me started and fills me with energy. Don't want to start all crazy workout in a sudden and risk injuries so yeah, slow and steady. 
Still in the sport department, and as mentioned in the previous blog ( Sunday Soccer), my soccer shoes were screaming retirement, being the stubborn that I am, I didn't listen to them and almost got my toe nails ripped off during last Sunday's game. That convinced me that it was time to get proper cleats. So went and got these:

Nothing fancy I know, but i just needed something appropriate for soccer, plus I don't wanna spend a lot in cleats that I am going to wear only once a week too. Will post my views and impressions about them after my game tomorrow.

And last but not least, there may be a promising soirée at the Ambassador's Residency. We got word that our Prime minister will be coming to India for some prime ministers' stuffs, and there will be a dinner with him and the community at the residency. Little do i care of the purpose of his visit in the country, all am going for is the food. Don't judge me but my mom always said "Is yours, what is in your stomach". But who says dinner with political figures, says proper dress code, and as much as I don't like dressing formal and all, I have to make a small effort to be up to the task. So I headed out and got me some nice trousers, and a pair of matching loafers. Now lets see how it turns out to be. Will surely be making something for that too after its done. Pics and experience coming later.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Dinner with the Prime Minister

Food , Fun, Friends

I wish days like these could happen more often. Where to start? hummm
So early this week we got word from the embassy that the Prime Minister, Mr Daniel Kablan Ducan was going to be in New Delhi for some kind of summit with investors. Well nothing interesting here as far as I am concerned. And as he will be here, the Ambassador organized a dinner at his residency, with the Prime Minister, the group of other ministers he came with, and almost every ambassador of the surrounding west African countries. And that's the part that I am interested in!!

First of all, the invitation said dinner, with ministers and some ambassadors. Well an invitation like this calls for proper attire, and as much as I don't like being dressed "formal", I just couldn't turn out with jeans and sneakers. So I went out and got me something "decent" for the occasion. As usual nothing fancy, just the strict minimum. Went out with the classic mix of colors, grey shirt+black pants+black loafers.
I could have never thought that one day i would end up dressing like this, and specially wear loafers. But yeah, growing up has it surprises.

Now that the outfit issue was sorted out, it was time to get the the rendez-vous point and get the business going. The invitation said that the whole ceremony was starting at 6 PM. So me and my friends managed to get ready and left home at 5.30 PM, and as we don't know where the residency was, we had to catch up with the bus (leaving at 6 PM) that was picking up people from the embassy to the residency. With all the high traffic density zones that we had to cross, we were bound to be late and probably miss the bus. But, as we all know Africans conception of time, we did our best and managed to reach the embassy little after 6.
And to no one surprise, the bus was still empty and they were still waiting for people to come.

After waiting for like and hour at the embassy we decided to rely on our phones and get to the residency ourselves. Which turned out to be a good decision, because 30 mins after we reached the place, after few inquiries on the way though.
After reaching at around 7.30 PM, it appears that we were so early that even the music wasn't there yet! But that was not surprising, so we waited and around 9 PM the delegation finally arrived. And things got started.

 The Ambassador giving his Speech
 The Prime Minister Giving his speech

The Prime Minister and the Health Care Minister

So yeah there was that, then after the whole speech part was done, we  went to the most interesting event. And that is: Food!

A well garnished plate with all that I was interested in (Attieke+Alloco+Chicken+Mutton)

After all the food I managed to get in my stomach, i was full like a retard and could barely move! But had to stand up to the challenge and crank some dance moves, because that's the one of the thing we Africans do after eating, dancing or sleeping!
And that's how we ended the evening.

Friday 8 March 2013


Friday Finals

Wonder what's better than today being Friday... Being done with the finals. Stressing week it was. Many reports to prepare and submit on the same date with the same faculty. But yeah following the plans made, going through them wasn't that difficult.
What was more difficult was studying for the test. Never been a fan of having all my tests on the same day, even worse with the same faculty. No breaks between the test and so much to study for the same.
And after a long night trying to get through the most, the day brought its pack of frustrations.
First thing had to wake up super early cause I didn't want to oversleep, and wanted to reach school earlier to get my study on. So 8.30 AM, i struggle to get out of bed, get ready and manage to reach school around 9.20 AM. Well in advance for the tests which are at 10.
Upon reaching the school, the second frustration strikes.

Time to start all up again. Go back home to collect them and back again at school. Wasted another 20 mins in the process. After reaching school for the second time, i lost all my studying inspiration and the time for the exam was already there.
So am sitting here stressing like a little kid waiting for Christmas morning to come, and the faculty comes in late of 25 mins. Cant get mad at the dude though, have too much on my mind and my stomach acting up due to the stress.

The first test is given, bunch of MCQ's. Should be easy right? Start digging into them and within an hour, am through. The faculty then gives us "5 mins" as break and BAM!! here comes the second test. 
This time no MCQ's, bunch of theoretical questions and "a single" numerical question!!! As much as I hate writing pages, it would have been a wonder is the whole test was numerical as far as I'm concerned. Not to have my morale down I start with in my comfort zone: the Maths. Quickly went through the numerical and back to the painful part. Started writing so much that my hand got all sore. After few extension, arm twisting and pain (wonder how people writing pages all day don't end up muscular as hell.. that's some freaking exercise trust me), i finally get through all question and submit my paper.
And as expected

Sad reality strikes back. Test didn't go as per my standards. Came to realize that i really hate MCQ's and that after all these years, writing pages got into me. Now just have to wait and see what the final decision comes out to be, and this obviously rests in the hand of the faculty. Let's hope that is ain't too bad though. 
And now time to enjoy the HOLIDAYS!!!!!

Tuesday 5 March 2013

African Proverbs 2

Another set of funny proverbs. Enjoy

Si un aveugle dit qu'il va te lapider, c'est que son pied est déjà sur caillou.
If a blind says that he is going to throw a stone at you, be sure that he already has his foot on one.

Celui qui n'a pa peur n'a pas le courage.
He who ain't afraid ain't courageous. 

Ce qui arrive au poulet arrive au canard pendant le jour de fete.
Whatever happens to the chicken, happens to the duck on a festive day.

On montre jamais son village avec la main gauche.
You never point to your village without your left hand.

Pour voir un mouton trembler attends la tabaski.
Wait for Eid to see the sheep shaking.

Celui qui a diahree n'a pa peur de tornade!
He who has diarrhea isn't afraid of the storm!

Si tu giflle quelqu'un, il ne faut t'etonner quand on va te gifler aussi.
If you slap someone, don't be surprise of being slapped too.

Poussin qui va devenir coq là, quand tu vois tu connais.
When you see it, you know the chick that is going to be a rooster.

Tu as quitte caca pour venir te mettre dans anus.
You left shit to be in anus.

Viande qui sort de congelateur..tu peux jamais manger ça un coup...attend un peu.
You can't eat the meat that just left the freezer immediately.. Wait for a while.

Même si le singe a conquis la terre, il reconnaîtra toujours que le lion est le roi de la forêt.
Even though the monkey conquered the earth, it will always acknowledge that the lion is the king of the jungle.

Quand la tete est la, le genoux ne porte pas le chapeau.
When the head is there, the knee doesn't wear the hat.

Cabri mort n'a pas peur de couteaux.
The dead goat isn't afraid of the knife.

A beau chasser le naturel, il revient toujours au gallot.
No matter how hard you try to conceal it, what's natural will always come out.

Le chien ne change jamais sa maniere de s'assoir... Meme quand il est rassasie.
The dog never changes its way of sitting.... Even when it is full.

Hope you like them :)

Sunday 3 March 2013

Sunday Soccer

Finals week.. Assignments coming from everywhere, reports to polish and all. Can't wait for it to get over.
Despite the tight schedule, had to get some time to get my Soccer on.
There is nothing like going on the pitch, on a nice sunny afternoon, and get on sweat on.
So yeah, took off around 4 PM and been playing till around 6.30PM.
The team we played against was surprisingly good though. Despite having few chubby players, they exceeded my expectations and got all surprised with their passing games and tricks and all. But it was a great game overall. With the amount of goal scored and contested, can't really make out who won the game. But guess that's not what really matters though. Getting some sweat out and heating up the body was all we came for. And we sure got it.
As usual my custom made studs were back in action... Should seriously consider changing them and getting something better. These are making me slip on the pitch like crazy.
For those wondering what these are.. well you won't find them neither in a retail store, nor online. The only place to get them is back in my home (Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire). They are some pretty cool studs called Lêkê made completely out of plastic. Lightweight and comfortable too, not to forget damn cheap.

After the game, back to the house. Time to get all cleaned up and fresh, then carry on with the rest of the duties. After all this, had to again cook, as my flatmate is kinda sick so gotta babysit him a little; and also work on my various reports.
Taking a break now to post this, and shall get back to my assignments in a few.
New Week, New Challenges, New Struggles.. Nothing comes easy, but with dedication and hard work, you can still make it.
Can't wait for it to get over :)

Friday 1 March 2013

African Proverbs

Just few funny african proverbs. Hope it enlighten your day. (French and English)

Anus n'est pas tranchant mais il coupe caca.
The anus ain't sharp but it cuts the shit.

Les yeux n'ont pas de balance mais ils connaissent bagages ki est lourd.
Your eyes ain't got no scale, but they recognize an heavy load.

Tu ne peux pas peter sur la cendre et puis poussière va pas se lever.
You can't fart on ashes without raising dust.

Les moutons se ballade ensemble mais ils n'ont pas le meme prix.
The sheeps graze together but they don't have the same price.

Le cadavre a beau etre beau mais on l'enterre.
No matter how beautiful the corpse is, he will be buried.

Qui a dit que dent pourri ne mange pas os?
Who said the toothless can't eat a bone?

Kelke soit la longueur du pipi les dernieres goutes retombent toujours dans le pantalon.
Despite the length of your pee, the last drops are for your pants

Petit marteau casse gros caillou.
Small hammer breaks big rock.

Si tu danses dans l'eau, tes enemis dirons que tu soulèves la poussière !
Even if you are dancing in a puddle of water, your ennemies will say you raising dust!

Accroche ton habit ou ta main peut arriver.
Hang your clothes where your hands reach.

Tu peux pas avoir ton pied dans l'eau et dire que tu as soif.
You can't have your foot in water and say that your are thirsty.

Qui a dit que coco taille porte pas meche?
Who said the bald can't have extensions?

Quelle que soit la grosseur de la marmite, il y'a son couvercle.
No matter how big the pot is, there will be a cover for it.

Amusement ou on applaudit, moustique n'aime pas.
Games involving claps are the least favorite of the mosquito.

Souris saoulee connait carrefour du chat.
Even the drunk mouse knows the cat's corner.

Quand la fourmis est en fin de vie il s'invite aux reunions des poulets.
The ant comes to the chicken's gathering when it's close to death.

C'est pas cafard qui laisse dehors pour aller s'enfermer au WC.
It's the cockroach who leaves outside to shut himself in toilets.

Si tu avale coco c ke tu fais confiance a ton anus!
Someone swallowing a coconut have complete faith in his anus.

La verite sort de là bouche du soulard
The truth comes from the mouth of the drunkard.

Quand quelqu'un nage, c'est son ventre seulement qui est dans l'eau sinon on voit son dos.
When someone's swimming, only his belly is hidden, we can still see his back.

C'est quand le vent souffle qu'on voit dans l'anus du poulet.
It's only when the wind blows that you can see the chicken's ass.

Quand deux couteaux se battent poulet se met pas au milieu!
Whenever two knives are fighting, the chicken doesn't come in between.

C'est sorcier ki connait son ami sorcier!
Only the witch knows her witch friend!

C'est pas ds ma bouch tu vas manger ton piment!
You ain't gonna eat your chilly in my mouth!

Celui ki a vu le lion n'a pas la meme maniere de courir ke celui ki en a entendu parler.
He who heard the lion, doesnt run like he who saw the lion.

Quand deux elephants se battent c'est herbe ki souffre!
When two elephants are fighting, it's the grass that suffers the most!

Meme poulet noir pond oeuf blanc!!!
Even the black hen lays white eggs!

N'attend pas la pluie pour te laver!
Don't wait for the rain to shower!

C'est quand arrive le moment de s'assoir que l'on connait l'utilité des fesses.
It's only when the time to sit arises that we know the use of the butt cheeks.

Tu fais pitié ms ta bouche ne fais pas pitié.
You are pitifull but your mouth ain't.

Meme quand c'est mort ca pisse.
Even when it's dead, it still pees.

Derrière village, il y a village!
Behind a village there is a village!

Faut pas mettre du sable dans mon riz!
Don't put sand in my rice!

Tu peu jamai traverser la foret avec ticket de zoo!
You can never cross the jungle with a zoo ticket!

Pied qui a cogné caillou sait comment marcher.
The foot that hit a rock, knows how to walk.

Le chien du chef du village n'est pas le chef des chiens du village.
The dog of the village chief isn't the chief of the village dogs

Est ce que le gardien du cimetiere ne meurt pas ?
Even the cimetery wards dies.

Quand tu craches en l'air attends toi a recevoir de la salive sur le visage.
When you spit in the air, expect some saliva in the face.

Quand tu te courbes pour regarder dans le cul de ton ami,dis toi qu'il y'a quelqu'un qui regarde dans ton c sans se courber.
Whenever you bend to look in someone's ass, just know that there is someone looking into yours without bending.

Si tu vois serpent sur bycyclette cest qu'il sait comment pedaler.
If you see a snake buying a bicycle, it knows how he is going to ride it.


Humm dunno why i created this blog, maybe to come and express my deepest thoughts, share my experiences, adventures and what not. Hopefully this will turn into some kind of blueprint of my life from now on..